
The first phase ∣ excellent transport case of Ningze special care

2023-05-29    [ 返回 ]

Since Ningze intensive care intelligent transport service entered major hospitals, there have been many excellent transport cases, which have been praised by medical staff and patients. The following transport cases using manual handling is very difficult, but for Ningze intensive care is very easy, the patient's experience is also quite good, so as a case display, for the medical industry friends to observe for reference.

Case 1

A hospital in Nanchang, special nurse Hu Yun transferred amputation patients; The patient was seriously injured and hospitalized in ICU. After amputation surgery, he could not cooperate with his family members and medical staff to carry out manual transport. In order to avoid secondary injuries caused by improper transport, Ningze intensive care intelligent transport service was selected.


Case 2

Special nurse Niu Yanhua from a general hospital of a mining Bureau transferred patients with gallstone surgery. The patients were weak after surgery, and the surgical site was close to the waist, so they could not exert force after surgery, and manual handling was difficult. Therefore, Ningze special care was selected to realize painless and non-contact transport, and the process was smooth and comfortable, and the transport was successful.


Case 3

In a hospital in Ruzhou, the intensive care nurse Lu Xianghong transferred the patients for intracranial puncture examination. The patients needed intracranial puncture due to their disease, and the spontaneous movement after the puncture was likely to cause secondary damage. Therefore, the patients chose Ningze intensive care, without contact, safe and fast, to escort the patients.
